Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent – Stats on Steam


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Short Description: Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent is a fully-fledged strategy RPG set in the world of Class of Heroes! Create your own party of students in a fantasy realm! Pick them up and guide them to victory against the monster hordes!

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: ACQUIRE Corp.

Developer: ACQUIRE Corp.

Release: Sep 7, 2022 (2 years, 3 months ago)

Price: $39.99 $13.99 -65%

Reviews: 33

Score: 5/10

Followers: 978

Tags: Anime Character Customization Controller CRPG Cute Exploration Fantasy JRPG Medieval Party-Based RPG Real Time Tactics Retro RPG RTS Simulation Strategy Strategy RPG Tactical Tactical RPG Top-Down

Genres: RPG, Strategy


Revenue Estimate: ~$25,000

Historical Charts