编年史OL – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2167640/

Short Description: 《编年史OL》完美继承了《The Legend of Mir 2》的游戏精华,并在原游戏的基础之上同步更新了最新的5职业游戏内容。该游戏中有战士、法师、道士、刺客、弓箭手五种任务职业,所有游戏情节的发生、经验值得取得以及各种打猎、采矿等活动都是在网络上即时发生。在游戏中模拟了现实世界中白天、黑夜、雨、雾、贸易、物品等观念,玩家可以通过采矿、打猎等来获得货币,利用货币进行游戏贸易。整个游戏充满了魔力,具有典型的东方神话色彩。


Publisher: Chronicele co.,LTD

Developer: Chronicele co.,LTD

Release: Coming soon Coming Soon

Price: N/A

Reviews: N/A

Score: N/A

Followers: 119

Tags: 2D Fighter 2D Platformer Action Action RPG Adventure Free to Play Hack and Slash Massively Multiplayer MOBA Multiplayer Real Time Tactics RPG Simulation Strategy

Genres: Action, Adventure, Free To Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Simulation


Revenue Estimate: ~$ N/A

Historical Charts