Bodycam – Stats on Steam


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Short Description: Bodycam is the first ultra-realistic multiplayer, first-person shooter game made using the latest technologies of the next-gen game engine Unreal Engine 5. Get ready to dive into fast-paced Bodycam actions, where every bullet counts and every choice can decide over the victory or loss of your team.

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: Reissad Studio

Developer: Reissad Studio

Release: Jun 7, 2024 (7 months, 3 weeks ago) Early Access

Price: $33.32

Reviews: 27,874

Score: 7/10

Followers: 241,614

Tags: 3D Action Action-Adventure Early Access First-Person FPS Horror Immersive Sim Military Open World PvE PvP Realistic Shooter Stealth Strategy Surreal Survival Tactical VR

Genres: Action, Early Access, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation, Strategy


Revenue Estimate: ~$18 million

Historical Charts