Eight Winds – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2242620/

Short Description: A fast paced, highly technical 3D fighting game with an incredibly high skill ceiling and a large amount of freedom for self-expression

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: eightwindsgame

Developer: eightwindsgame

Release: Nov 30, 2023 (9 months, 3 weeks ago) Early Access

Price: $0.00

Reviews: 6

Score: 0/10

Followers: 22

Tags: 3D 3D Fighter 3D Platformer Action Character Customization Combat Early Access eSports Logic Martial Arts Modern Parkour Precision Platformer PvP Realistic Spectacle fighter Strategy Swordplay Tactical Third Person

Genres: Action, Early Access, Free To Play, Strategy


Revenue Estimate: ~$0

Historical Charts