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Short Description: In Energy Survivors, you play as a mercenary in a third-person shooter roguelite game. Your mission is to invade a hostile planet in search of its energy source. You can choose from a variety of upgrades to create unique and powerful builds that can change the course of the game.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Robotizar Games
Developer: Robotizar Games
Release: Apr 17, 2023 (1 year, 8 months ago) Early Access
Price: $2.99
Reviews: 32
Score: 8/10
Followers: 260
Tags: Action Action Roguelike Action RPG Bullet Hell Controller Cyberpunk Difficult Early Access Futuristic Heist Indie Roguelike Roguelite RPG Score Attack Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Singleplayer Third Person Third-Person Shooter
Genres: Action, Casual, Early Access, Indie, RPG
Revenue Estimate: ~$1,800