Explottens – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/630400/

Short Description: Explottens is a heart pumping, hair raising, pawtastic shoot ‘em up that follows K.I.T the pilot and his band of misfits as they zip, boost, and shoot through the sky, battling the ferocious felines known as K.L.A.W! Dominate the skies and battle your way through an army of evil cats.


Publisher: Playdew

Developer: Playdew

Release: Jun 2017 Early Access

Price: $4.99

Reviews: 16

Score: 8/10

Followers: 118

Tags: 2D 2D Fighter 2D Platformer Action Arcade Beat 'em up Bullet Hell Casual Colorful Controller Cute Early Access Hero Shooter Platformer Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Side Scroller Story Rich Stylized Twin Stick Shooter

Genres: Action, Adventure, Casual, Early Access, Indie


Revenue Estimate: ~$1,500

Historical Charts