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Short Description: Battle Vampires, Werewolves and Humans in a dark Imperial Age strategy game! Collect and upgrade Heroes for 5v5 action, forge alliances, and restore world order.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Gameloft
Developer: Gameloft
Release: Apr 6, 2022 (2 years, 8 months ago)
Price: $0.00
Reviews: 287
Score: 6/10
Followers: 1,217
Tags: 4X Base Building Character Customization City Builder Combat Dark Fantasy Magic Massively Multiplayer MMORPG PvP Real Time Tactics RPG Strategy Strategy RPG Supernatural Tactical Tactical RPG Vampire War Werewolves
Genres: Action, Free To Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Revenue Estimate: ~$0