幻世九州 – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2153640/

Short Description: 《幻世九州》是一款承袭国韵传说的MMORPG,问道于乱世莽荒恢弘遗迹,多线修炼突破经脉转生,结盟爽战史诗猛兽,重炼极品法宝武器,御灵宠幻化坐骑随性,邂逅正缘传功双修,上古九州由你谱写!

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: 幻世九州

Developer: 幻世九州

Release: Aug 17, 2023 (1 year ago)

Price: $0.00

Reviews: 95

Score: 9/10

Followers: 173

Tags: 3D 3D Fighter 3D Platformer 3D Vision Action Action-Adventure Action RPG Adventure Choose Your Own Adventure Colorful Cute Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash MMORPG Point & Click Realistic Real Time Tactics Roguelite RPG Strategy

Genres: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy


Revenue Estimate: ~$0

Historical Charts