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Short Description: In "Just Click The Button," you do indeed, click on a button. The more you click, the more the game evolves. Select new abilities that align with your playstyle. Decide whether to attempt to beat the game after reaching a certain threshold or play indefinitely!
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Simon Eftestol
Developer: Simon Eftestol
Release: Jan 17, 2024 (11 months, 2 weeks ago)
Price: $2.99 $1.94 -35%
Reviews: 202
Score: 9/10
Followers: 413
Tags: 2D Action Roguelike Arcade Arena Shooter Bullet Hell Cartoon Cartoony Casual Clicker Collectathon Colorful Cute Minimalist Point & Click Roguelike Shooter Singleplayer Top-Down Top-Down Shooter Utilities
Genres: Casual, Indie
Revenue Estimate: ~$12,000