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Short Description: The long-awaited sequel to La-Mulana, La-Mulana 2 follows Lumisa Kosugi as she explores the ancient ruins of La-Mulana. Desperate to find the cause of the recent slew of monsters appearing from the ruins, Lumisa discovers the "other" La-Mulana: the ruins known as Eg-Lana.
Platforms: Windows Mac
Publisher: PLAYISM
Developer: NIGORO
Release: Jul 30, 2018 (6 years, 4 months ago)
Price: $24.99
Reviews: 698
Score: 9/10
Followers: 7,682
Tags: 2D 2D Platformer Action Action-Adventure Adventure Controller Difficult Exploration Female Protagonist Indie Kickstarter Metroidvania Pixel Graphics Platformer Precision Platformer Puzzle Puzzle Platformer Retro Singleplayer Souls-like
Genres: Action, Adventure, Indie
Revenue Estimate: ~$330,000