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Short Description: The Jabco World has called Mr Jorries to shoot away all the Boinks invading the world. Jabco the star nation watching the good, hard and the bad. Your objective is to shoot away as much Boinks as you can. Swim, Fly or Swing your way through while testing your platforming skills No Worries Mr Jorries
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Jacob A. Productions
Developer: Jacob Arthur Cockrill
Release: Aug 6, 2020 (4 years, 5 months ago)
Price: $2.99
Reviews: 1
Score: 0/10
Followers: 15
Tags: 1980s 2D 2D Fighter 2D Platformer Action Adventure Arcade Casual Colorful Indie Old School Pixel Graphics Platformer Precision Platformer Puzzle Platformer Retro Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Side Scroller Singleplayer
Genres: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Revenue Estimate: ~$57