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Short Description: Mud River is a horizontal 2D Shoot‘em Up game. The Rio Doce (Sweet River) was a paradise for mankind and animals, but now it has become a territory destroyed by the unscrupulous activities of Dr. Wellin. This is Pacal's first destination, ascending the Rio Doce preventing its complete destruction.
Platforms: Windows Mac Linux
Publisher: RocpainGames
Developer: Felipe Mattar
Release: Sep 21, 2021 (3 years, 4 months ago)
Price: $5.99
Reviews: 1
Score: 0/10
Followers: 29
Tags: 2.5D 2D Action Aliens Arcade Casual Controller Flight Hand-drawn Indie Linear Sci-fi Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Side Scroller Singleplayer Space Stylized
Genres: Action, Casual, Indie
Revenue Estimate: ~$110