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Short Description: Slay, crush, burn and explode filthy humans for their souls to infuse your squad with new powers and advance for total annihilation. You are the Undead in a turn based tactical RPG controlling a squad.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Egidijus Adomaitis
Developer: Egidijus Adomaitis
Release: Feb 18, 2024 (10 months, 3 weeks ago)
Price: $6.99 $4.05 -42%
Reviews: 15
Score: 6/10
Followers: 425
Tags: 2D Choices Matter Combat Dark Fantasy Indie Magic Medieval Pixel Graphics Procedural Generation Roguelite RPG Singleplayer Strategy Strategy RPG Tactical Tactical RPG Top-Down Turn-Based Combat Turn-Based Strategy Turn-Based Tactics
Genres: RPG, Strategy
Revenue Estimate: ~$2,000