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Short Description: Escape the open-world island infested with monster spiders while on duty as a prisoner with your friends. Loot the city, destroy the caves, take some selfies on the way out in your car before you set sail.
Platforms: Windows Linux
Publisher: Oddscure
Developer: Oddscure
Release: Nov 6, 2024 (1 month, 2 weeks ago) Early Access
Price: $9.99 $7.99 -20%
Reviews: 13
Score: 8/10
Followers: 301
Tags: Action Action-Adventure Adventure Atmospheric Co-op Driving Early Access Exploration First-Person FPS Funny Loot Online Co-Op Open World Physics Post-apocalyptic PvE Stealth Survival Survival Horror
Genres: Adventure, Early Access, Indie
Revenue Estimate: ~$2,500