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Short Description: Rhapsody of the Moon Rabbit is a second player game in Valkyrie Studio. You will operate Reisen Udongein Inaba and Youmu Konpaku,smash the plot of the scientific eccentric.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: 瓦尔基里游戏
Developer: 瓦尔基里游戏
Release: Nov 10, 2024 (1 month, 2 weeks ago) Early Access
Price: $9.99 $6.49 -35%
Reviews: 46
Score: 8/10
Followers: 626
Tags: 1990's 3D Action Action-Adventure Action RPG Anime Bullet Hell Cartoon Drama Early Access Noir Roguelike Roguelite RPG Shooter Tactical RPG Third-Person Shooter Top-Down Top-Down Shooter War
Genres: Action, Adventure, Early Access, Indie, RPG
Revenue Estimate: ~$8,800