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Short Description: Ahoy SkyBoat captains! Today is your chance to learn to sail the skies, take control of the winds and discover vast riches up in the clouds. Even better, as you improve your skill at the game, SkyBoats will use your evolving rank to consistently give you a satisfying strategic challenge.
Platforms: Windows Mac Linux
Publisher: BrainGoodGames
Developer: BrainGoodGames
Release: Aug 23, 2016 (8 years, 4 months ago)
Price: $7.99
Reviews: 10
Score: 6/10
Followers: 186
Tags: 2D Board Game Casual Great Soundtrack Hex Grid Logic Management Procedural Generation Retro Singleplayer Strategy Tabletop Tactical Turn-Based Turn-Based Strategy Turn-Based Tactics
Genres: Strategy
Revenue Estimate: ~$1,500