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Short Description: Skydance’s BEHEMOTH is an original story set in the Forsaken Lands, a fallen kingdom haunted by tragedy. Play as an outland warrior, Wren the Hunter (the player), and embark on a perilous quest to save yourself and your village. Your only hope is to slay the unslayable, the monstrous Behemoths.
Platforms: Windows VR Supported
Publisher: Skydance Games
Developer: Skydance Games
Release: Dec 5, 2024 (2 weeks, 2 days ago)
Price: $39.99
Reviews: 331
Score: 7/10
Followers: 4,756
Tags: Action Action-Adventure Adventure Combat Fantasy Gore Singleplayer Story Rich Violent VR
Genres: Action, Adventure
Revenue Estimate: ~$250,000