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Short Description: Gladiator, you are now a knight! The greatest gladiator series in the world, Swords and Sandals, has just gone medieval! Swords and Sandals moves into the middle ages in this action packed, turn-based combat RPG.
Platforms: Windows Mac
Developer: Whiskeybarrel Studios
Release: Sep 14, 2017 (7 years, 3 months ago)
Price: $6.99
Reviews: 41
Score: 7/10
Followers: 220
Tags: 2D 2D Fighter Adventure Cartoon Casual Class-Based Colorful Combat CRPG Fighting Hack and Slash Linear Medieval RPG Singleplayer Strategy Strategy RPG Tactical RPG Turn-Based Combat Turn-Based Strategy
Genres: Adventure, RPG
Revenue Estimate: ~$5,500