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Short Description: Our first-player shooter (Tactical Suppression) is an action packed, multiplayer which is designed for players to experience a whole different level to the first-person shooter genre. Syndicate Alpha Game Studio have made sure we give you the best quality all around- game play, maps and weaponry!
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: SyndicateAlphaGameStudio
Developer: SyndicateAlphaGameStudio
Release: Jun 15, 2020 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Price: $29.99
Reviews: 1
Score: 0/10
Followers: 111
Tags: Action Casual Co-op First-Person FPS Great Soundtrack Military Multiplayer Online Co-Op PvP Realistic Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Surreal Tactical Team-Based War
Genres: Action, Casual
Revenue Estimate: ~$570