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Short Description: Unlock the magic of 10 languages. Embark on quests with word challenges across dynamic biomes, from campuses to mystical realms. Engage with characters and face foes. Craft spells from hundreds of words, creating an arsenal for battles, puzzles, and dialogues.
Platforms: Windows VR Required
Publisher: 30 Parallel
Developer: 30 Parallel
Release: Nov 4, 2024 (1 month, 2 weeks ago)
Price: $19.99 $11.99 -40%
Reviews: 2
Score: 0/10
Followers: 89
Tags: 3D Action-Adventure Action RPG Adventure Alternate History Casual Conversation Education Exploration Fantasy First-Person Immersive Sim Magic Puzzle PvP RPG Sci-fi Spelling Steampunk VR
Genres: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Revenue Estimate: ~$770