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Short Description: The Classrooms is a procedural, liminal-space, found-footage, survival horror game. Explore The Classrooms and discover the various anomalies it contains; from malicious entities, to harmless oddities. And remember, it's different every time you play, so your found footage is uniquely yours.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: Xefier Games
Developers: Hillcrest Games Inc., Xefier Games
Release: Oct 28, 2022 (2 years, 2 months ago) Early Access
Price: $9.99 $7.99 -20%
Reviews: 1,278
Score: 9/10
Followers: 6,063
Tags: 1980s 1990's 3D Action Adventure Atmospheric Cinematic Dark Demons Early Access Exploration First-Person Horror Investigation Mystery Mystery Dungeon Procedural Generation Psychological Horror Surreal Survival Horror
Genres: Action, Early Access
Revenue Estimate: ~$240,000