Untitled Rhythm Puzzle Game – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1544390/

Short Description: Untitled Rhythm Puzzle Game (URPG) releases with the aims of annoying and removing any sort of sanity from the player through solving puzzles based on locality awareness mixed with keeping a ‘simple’ rhythm. It might sound easy, but believe us, it is much harder than it looks.


Publisher: Hirschfield Software

Developer: Hirschfield Software

Release: Coming soon Coming Soon

Price: N/A

Reviews: N/A

Score: N/A

Followers: 24

Tags: 2D Casual Competitive Electronic Music Family Friendly Funny Grid-Based Movement Indie Logic Multiplayer Party Puzzle Quick-Time Events Rhythm Singleplayer Souls-like

Genres: Casual, Indie


Revenue Estimate: ~$ N/A

Historical Charts

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