只爱三国 – Stats on Steam


Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2074900/

Short Description: 2022年度战争策略手游,史诗级三国历史游戏大作! 全新攻城战法,无限英雄培养,每日福利不停。 最强三国历史题材国战游戏,每天上演城池版图变迁。 再现经典三国战场,回合制战斗模式加即时国战控制策略游戏,超大实感地图,智能多部队行军,丰富的战斗体验和多样内政玩法,给你带来不一样的体验.

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: 广州猿始人信息技术有限公司

Developer: 广州猿始人信息技术有限公司

Release: Oct 17, 2022 (1 year, 11 months ago)

Price: $0.00

Reviews: 14

Score: 7/10

Followers: 18

Tags: 3D Casual Free to Play Grand Strategy Massively Multiplayer Military MOBA Multiplayer Real Time Tactics RPG RTS Simulation Story Rich Strategy Tactical RPG Top-Down Wargame

Genres: Casual, Free To Play, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation, Strategy


Revenue Estimate: ~$0

Historical Charts