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Short Description: Fight The Voxelized Zombie Hoards in this FPS online Co-op Survival shooter. Survive, unlock more areas and powerups as you progress through a vast maze of post apocalyptic ruin. Purchase a gun from the wall or the "random mystery gun chest". Online Co-op 1-4 Players.
Publisher: ParaleyesGames
Developer: NerdoNofriendo
Release: Coming soon Coming Soon
Price: N/A
Reviews: N/A
Score: N/A
Followers: 24
Tags: 3D 3D Fighter Action Action-Adventure Adventure Arcade Colorful Combat Co-op First-Person FPS Hack and Slash Online Co-Op PvE Sci-fi Shoot 'Em Up Singleplayer Team-Based Voxel Zombies
Genres: Action, Adventure
Revenue Estimate: ~$ N/A