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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Sealer of Dungeons Cover Image
Sealer of Dungeons is an action-shooter with Rogue-lite elements. Play Sealers on their journey, you will find great treasures and abilities to seal the unknown evil above. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with merchants to get powerful items. Seal the dungeon, save the world!
Sealer of Dungeons
Steam Publisher: Erdem Akar Developer: Erdem Akar
Coming soon
Coming Soon
2DActionAction RoguelikeAdventureAtmosphericControllerDifficultDungeon CrawlerIndieLootPixel GraphicsProcedural GenerationRPGReplay ValueRoguelikeRogueliteSingleplayerTop-DownTop-Down ShooterTwin Stick Shooter
70 N/A N/A ~$ N/A