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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Odd Infinitum Cover Image
Arm yourself with a variety of tactical weapons and take to the cosmos in a boss-rush shoot-em-up inspired by SNES shooters. You are a pilot fresh from the academy, thrust into a battle to defend humanity from the darkest abominations of the Infinitum. What lurks among the stars has a plan for you…
Odd Infinitum
Steam Publisher: Oxonian Games Developer: Oxonian Games
To be announced
Coming Soon
2DActionAction-AdventureBullet HellChoices MatterControllerInteractive FictionLinearLovecraftianMilitaryMultiple EndingsPixel GraphicsPvESci-fiShoot 'Em UpShooterSide ScrollerSouls-likeSpaceTutorial
11 N/A N/A ~$ N/A