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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Stack Up! (or dive trying) Cover Image
Stack Up! (or dive trying) is a stack-your-way-up platformer. The objective is simple: get as high as you can. Avoid contact with water at all costs, be swift with your movements and build yourself a makeshift staircase to the top with the objects falling around you.
Stack Up! (or dive trying)
Steam Publisher: PixelConflict Developer: PixelConflict
Jul 16, 2021
2 years, 10 months ago
3D3D PlatformerActionArcadeCartoonyCasualCharacter CustomizationColorfulComedyCompetitiveControllerCo-opFamily FriendlyFirst-PersonFunnyIndieMultiplayerParty GamePlatformerSurvival
223 19 8/10 ~$2,500