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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Legend Creatures(传奇生物) Cover Image
Legendary creature is an independent game with rich playing methods such as roguelike + self-propelled chess + strategy. You can collect all kinds of magic creatures with various talents and skills, and can also evolve to a higher level.
Legend Creatures(传奇生物)
Steam Publisher: HideChara Developer: HideChara
Mar 31, 2020
4 years, 7 months ago
2D4XAdventureAuto BattlerCreature CollectorDungeon CrawlerExplorationFantasyIndiePixel GraphicsProcedural GenerationReplay ValueRoguelikeRogueliteRPGSingleplayerStrategyStrategy RPGTurn-Based StrategyTurn-Based Tactics
7,406 3,736 9/10 ~$360,000
Chess Arena-象棋竞技场 Cover Image
Chess Arena-象棋竞技场
Steam Publisher: HideChara Developer: HideChara
May 9, 2019
5 years, 6 months ago
95 9 0/10 ~$520