Isaac White Games – Steam Marketing Tool



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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Speedrun Squad Cover Image
Choose a character, select a world, and GO! The goal is simple: complete the levels as fast as you can. While mistakes are unlimited, they only slow down your race to the end. Precise platformer gameplay combined with the different abilities of each player makes each playthrough different.
Speedrun Squad
Steam Publisher: Isaac White Developer: Isaac White
May 14, 2019
5 years ago
2D2D PlatformerActionAdventureArcadeCasualCharacter Action GameColorfulCuteDifficultFamily FriendlyFast-PacedIndieMultiplayerPixel GraphicsPlatformerPrecision PlatformerRetroShortSingleplayer
46 10 8/10 ~$570
Froggy Quest Cover Image
Help Froggy complete a quest in this colorful platformer adventure! Use your sticky tongue to pull, push, and grapple through many challenging levels while collecting as many flies as you can.
Froggy Quest
Steam Publisher: Isaac White Developer: Isaac White
Coming soon
Coming Soon
2D2D PlatformerActionAdventureCharacter CustomizationColorfulControllerCozyCuteDifficultIndiePixel GraphicsPlatformerPrecision PlatformerPuzzlePuzzle PlatformerRetroSide ScrollerSingleplayerSoundtrack
14 N/A N/A ~$ N/A