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# Title Release Price Tags Followers Reviews Score Net Revenue
Your Only Move Is HUSTLE Cover Image
Master your technique, execute flashy combos, and outsmart opponents across the world, frame-by-frame. Slow down the clock to fine-tune your fighting style in this innovative, turn-based combat simulator. Pulverize your friends and choreograph spectacular fight scenes. No training mode required.
Your Only Move Is HUSTLE
Steam Publisher: Ivy Sly Developer: Ivy Sly
Feb 2, 2023
2 years ago
2D2D FighterActionAnimeCartoonCartoonyCinematicColorfulCuteHand-drawnMinimalistPixel GraphicsSandboxSide ScrollerSimulationSolitaireSpectacle fighterStrategyTurn-Based StrategyTurn-Based Tactics
30,064 24,691 10/10 ~$2.4 million
Rocket Sword Cover Image
Rocket Sword is a ridiculous, gratuitous slash-'em-up where you are the projectile: a rocket-propelled greatsword. Slice, stab, and pulverize everyone in your path with the most powerful weapon in the universe.
Rocket Sword
Steam Publisher: Ivy Sly Developer: Ivy Sly
Coming soon
Coming Soon
2.5D2D2D PlatformerActionArcadeArena ShooterBullet HellCartoonyCombatDestructionFlightJetLogicMechsMinimalistPixel GraphicsSide ScrollerStylizedSwordplayTanks
122 N/A N/A ~$ N/A