ArcRacer – Stats on Steam


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Short Description: ArcRacer is a fast-paced, aggressive, and stylistic anti-gravity racer. Inspired by classic series such as F-Zero and WipEout, ArcRacer aims to provide a fresh new challenge for genre veterans, while also creating an accessible and engaging experience for newcomers.

Platforms: Windows Mac Linux

Publisher: foxel_

Developer: foxel_

Release: Sep 22, 2023 (7 months, 4 weeks ago)

Price: $8.00

Reviews: 31

Score: 8/10

Followers: 217

Tags: Abstract Arcade Atmospheric Capitalism Colorful Combat Racing Cyberpunk Driving Dystopian Fast-Paced Futuristic Minimalist Pixel Graphics Racing Retro Sci-fi Space Stylized Underwater Vehicular Combat

Genres: Racing


Revenue Estimate: ~$4,800

Historical Charts