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Short Description: Embark on a thrilling adventure as a professional exterminator traveling the globe to tackle undead infestations. From the haunted catacombs of Paris to the bustling favelas of Brazil, gather essential artifacts to activate Bread Island's mysterious lighthouse. Fight through 7 unique gamemodes.
Platforms: Windows VR Required
Publisher: Woo Studios
Developers: John Wallace, Paul Wallace
Release: Nov 15, 2024 (1 month, 1 week ago) Early Access
Price: $7.99 $3.99 -50%
Reviews: 1
Score: 0/10
Followers: 47
Tags: 3D Action Action-Adventure Adventure Artificial Intelligence Comedy Early Access Fantasy FPS Funny Horror Immersive Sim Post-apocalyptic Realistic Shoot 'Em Up Shooter Survival Tactical VR Zombies
Genres: Action, Adventure, Early Access, Simulation
Revenue Estimate: ~$150