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Short Description: Game Of Thrall'an is action RPG developed by CGArt, Jsc, inspired by the iconic character Thrall from the World of Warcraft universe. Players will take on the role of an Orc character named Thrall'an on a journey to the icy land of Alterrac filled with enemies to destroy the Ice Lord - Lookholar.
Platforms: Windows
Publisher: CGArt Games
Developer: CGArt Games
Release: Oct 30, 2024 (1 month, 3 weeks ago)
Price: $0.00
Reviews: 17
Score: 6/10
Followers: 155
Tags: 3D Action Action-Adventure Cinematic Combat Dark Fantasy Demons Exploration Fantasy Hack and Slash Hidden Object Magic Mystery Dungeon PvE Realistic RPG Snow Souls-like Third Person Underground
Genres: Action, Adventure, Free To Play, Indie, RPG
Revenue Estimate: ~$0