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Short Description: Hypcampex® is a 2D-Platformer that embarks you on a remarkable adventure across Planet Photonus as the legendary Electrex Bolt®, where he strives to acquire the Artifact of the Hypcampex® and battle through the war against the malevolent Avengers of Light, the Lavengers.
Platforms: Windows Mac Linux
Publisher: Biologists of Later Tomorrows (BOLT) LLC
Developers: Biologists of Later Tomorrows (BOLT) LLC, Orboltix®
Release: Oct 25, 2024 (1 month, 4 weeks ago)
Price: $9.99 $4.99 -50%
Reviews: 1
Score: 0/10
Followers: 12
Tags: 2D 2D Fighter 2D Platformer Action Adventure Aliens Arcade Artificial Intelligence Cartoony Collectathon Colorful Cyberpunk Metroidvania Platformer RPG Shooter Singleplayer
Genres: Action, Adventure, RPG
Revenue Estimate: ~$190